Aquapark Olomouc

developer GEMO DEVELOPMENT, spol. s r.o.

LOKALITA Haná Retail Park, Kafkova 526/ 21 Olomouc-Slavonín

Termín zahájení výstavby 2007

Termín dokončení a kolaudace summer 2009


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Popis projektu

This project was implemented and is financed and operated as a Public-Private Partnership in cooperation between the public and the private sectors. The building is designed as a water park with year-round operation. With an area of nearly 23,000 m2, it offers a modern complex of water attractions, relaxation facilities and services, outdoor relaxation areas, children's playgrounds, mini kindergartens and food stalls, as well as an animation programme. The built-up area of the main building is 2,660 m2 and the summer changing room building has a built-up area of 750 m2. The total water surface area is 1,200 m2. The water park also has a large car park and a dedicated bus stop.

Prováděné činnosti

Management, organisation and coordination of the project during the construction phase and during the first years of the operation of the water park. Consultancy services, complete engineering activities during the construction phase, preparations for final approval, test operation of the water park.

investor AQUAPARK OLOMOUC, a.s.
dodavatel stavby GEMO a.s.