GEMO Logistics Park

developer GEMO DEVELOPMENT, spol. s r.o.

LOKALITA Olomouc-Hněvotín (Phase I), Exit 37 from the R46 highway, to the south-west of Olomouc (7 km from the city centre)

Termín zahájení výstavby July 2007

Termín dokončení a kolaudace January 2008


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Popis projektu

Logistics complex of the company GEMO OLOMOUC, spol. s r.o. with an area of 11,352 m2. Facilities for motor transport, workshops for metalwork, storage areas for building materials, formworks, construction site support facilities. There are 4,000 m2 of roofed production and storage areas, as well as 650 m2 of office space.

Prováděné činnosti

Concept, feasibility, project coordination and project management, site preparation, complete project documentation of all phases, complete engineering activities for the zoning decision, building permit and final building approval, implementation of construction, professional activities related to administration and maintenance of the park.

investor GEMO OLOMOUC, spol. s r.o.
dodavatel stavby GEMO a.s.